Monday, March 8, 2010

Kids Creative Exec Director Named Repair Hero by Repair the World

Hey everyone,
We're really happy to announce that Kids Creative Executive Director and Co-Founder was named a Repair Hero by the website Repair the World. Congrats, Adam.

Repair Hero: Adam Jacobs

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Kids Creative at PS 102 Update


PS 102


From Tejon Witter

Hey everyone!

I’ve put together a brief overview on the overall highlights, rundowns, fun, and all the activities going on in the classrooms of PS102!

Little Kids are comprised of children in grades K, 1st and 2nd

Big Kids are comprised of children in grades 3rd, 4th, and 5th.

Remember Communication is KEY!


Art= Wednesday

Acting= Friday

February 22, 2010


Little & Big Kids:

We were greeted by Adam’s Presence in the classrooms as we recorded the songs we preformed from our two successful shows!

February 24, 2010


Little & Big Kids:

We created twirling puppets. The designs were super! And the kids and staff had a great time J

February 26, 2010


Snow Day :-(


Thoughts from Tejon:

Overall the things are coming along GREAT!

We had a FANTASTIC time performing our plays on February 12, 2010.

Pictures were taken, and some videos were recorded so we hope to be sharing them all with you soon!

The Little Kids had a hysterical story about a Funny Dinosaur and Monster


The Big Kids had a fabulous story about a girl who eats soooo much that she turns into a pizza!


The KC staff at PS 102!!!